The prodigal Father

I work in a place where the goalposts are set in jelly. It sometimes makes for a very stressful environment. Recently though, some happenings there got me thinking about the story of the prodigal boy in the Bible.

And not many days afterwards the younger son gathered everything together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous [prodigal, extravagant, abundant, exuberant, luxuriant, indulgent] living. __ Luke 15:13, Lighthouse Bible

I have come to conclude that there were two prodigals in that story. One is obvious: a life squandered in wild living, with prostitutes, drink… fill in your own interpretation of the word.

The other not-so-evident prodigal is the Father: pouring love lavishly, unreservedly and undeservedly, indulgently, wastefully even, on a wretched profligate who had brought Him only pain and dishonour.

The word “prodigal” is defined as [noun], one who spends or gives lavishly and foolishly (related words: unsparing, unstinting; careless, heedless, imprudent, incautious, injudicious, unwise; reckless, splurging, wanton, indulgent -willing to allow someone to have or enjoy something even though it may not be proper, healthy, appropriate, etc.; done or enjoyed as a special pleasure; willing to allow excessive leniency, generosity, or consideration).

And the Father poured, in riotous, uncontrolled, God-fashion: a new robe, shoes for his feet, a ring, a fatted calf, merrymaking. As Max Lucado so aptly states: “God dispenses His goodness not with an eyedropper but with a fire hydrant” [Max Lucado, Wild Grace: What Happens When Grace Happens”.

No wonder the older brother reacted so angrily; only a Prodigal love can reach around – so extravagantly, so recklessly, almost wastefully – and cover up sin’s prodigality.

One thought on “The prodigal Father

  1. Wow. As soon as I saw the title I felt warmth in my heart, and a light suddenly came on in my mind. You have made my day with this post.

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